What is Feng Shui?
What is Feng Shui?
Feng Shui (pronounced Fung Shway), in very simple terms, is the Chinese art of placement that creates harmony with people and their surroundings. It involves arranging or rearranging your space to enhance the quality of your life. The literal translation is Wind (Feng) and Water (Shui). Although many people think it is a new age concept, it is a practice that has been around for thousands of years. It is the connection between our surroundings and our well-being. Everything is energy, which we refer to as Chi, and everything in our surroundings affects us. When the Chi is flowing properly, it enhances our lives. It can help us achieve prosperity, health, love, happiness and much, more more.
Applying Feng Shui can help you live your most optimum life
Even if you don’t know anything about Feng Shui, you are experiencing it. Have you ever walked into a space and you feel a sense of calm, or the opposite where you know something is off? That is the Feng Shui of a space that you are feeling. Our goal is to create the most harmonious and supportive environment so you improve the quality of your life. When your Feng Shui is working for you, your life runs more smoothly, the right people and opportunities start showing up. Things just flow.
Feng Shui and Acupuncture stem from the same place
Feng Shui and Chinese Medicine actually originate from the same place. One way of thinking of it is as acupuncture for your home (or office). Just like in acupuncture, when you open up the blocked energy and get the energy flowing, that allows positive, healing energy to be flowing through your body. By opening up the energy in your surroundings, you invite positive Chi into your space and that gets the positive energy flowing in your life. You will notice different aspects of your life improving. Feng Shui can enhance many different areas of life including prosperity, relationships, reputation, creativity, career, knowledge and health.
The Three Lucks
There is another interesting principle that relates to Feng Shui called the Cosmic Trinity or the Three Lucks. These are Heaven Luck, Earth Luck and Human Luck. Heaven Luck, we have no control over. This pertains to who we were born to, where we were born, the things that are completely out of our hands. The good news is that with the other two, we can do something about. And with two out of three, the luck is stacked in our favor.
Human Luck pertains to our personal actions and choices that we make in our lives. This one we do have complete control over. We cannot control outer circumstances, but we can control how we react. We can also control how we treat people, what we are thinking, and what we are personally putting out there.
Lastly, there is Earth Luck. This is where Feng Shui comes in. This pertains to our surroundings including our home and work spaces. We can’t always control where we are living or working, but we can do things to improve those spaces, even if they are temporary. If we apply Feng Shui, we can create more optimum environments.
There is a ripple affect when we apply Feng Shui. As we are creating harmonious environments, that ripples out into all areas of our lives, which not only affects our lives but the people we come into contact with.
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With Feng Shui you can improve the movement of chi energy. By creating the right flow, you are literally able to empower a space in the same way that electricity illuminates a light bulb or music fills a room. The actual mechanics of the transformation are invisible, but the effect is profound. The atmosphere literally becomes magnetic with potential. – Eric Shaffert