Feng Shui Your Micro Stressors

Do you have micro stressors in your space?
I recently read an article that discussed the concept of micro stressors. The article had nothing to do with Feng Shui but discussed that even small annoyances during our day can be incredibly disruptive. They can actually be a really big problem and cause stress in our lives. This got me thinking about how this applies to our spaces and Feng Shui.
One of the prime goals in Feng Shui is to create flow and ease in our lives, and enhancing our spaces contributes to that. People don’t quite understand how important it is to set up our spaces to increase this flow. I certainly didn’t fully understand it until Feng Shui came into my own life.

Have you ever had something that you intended to fix or deal with, but it took you forever to finally do it? Or you put up with a squeaky door or broken knob for way too long. Maybe a closet door is off its track. Perhaps there is a box that you are intending to take to Goodwill, but it is still sitting there. It could be a door that sticks every time you try opening it. Or there is something you need to paint, clean, replace… the list goes on and on and on.
I certainly have been guilty of these types of things myself. I’m a little embarrassed to admit this, but the most recent one was that I needed/wanted to add curtain panels to a room. Not a big deal, but it was a project that involved getting the step stool out and unscrewing curtain rods. Just enough of a project (inconvenience) that I kept not doing it. The curtains sat in their unopened package for over a year! They had been discreetly hidden on a dining room chair. This chair has its back to the casual observer, but I knew it was there and I saw it every time I cleaned my dining room and it drove me nuts. This had been nipping at me for over a year!
I FINALLY did it and I could not believe that I took that long to do it. How ridiculous is that? The point being that when I finally did do it, I could actually feel my body lighten up. Do you have anything like this in your space? You know it’s there, you know you “should” deal with it, but it just keeps sitting there, starting to have a living, breathing life of its own?
And as I was thinking about writing about this, I have discovered even a few more micro-stressors

There are countless things like this. Nothing major, the world is not going to end, but if we have enough of these, they can really add up. Micro stressors wear us out and they affect our energy. Our subconscious is taking it all in. Everything in our environment is affecting us. Even those subtle, seemingly innocuous items.
They seem so insignificant, but if you have ever tended to one of them, it is quite amazing the amount of stress that gets relieved in your body once it’s taken care of. Sometimes we are not even aware of how much it has been bugging us. That stuck drawer or broken knob doesn’t seem like a big deal, but if every time you enter that room and you get aggravated, this builds up. Maybe there’s a rug you trip over every time you walk past a certain spot. Sometimes we live with these things for so long that we actually get used to them. They become our normal. This is not good for us, and is certainly not helping us live a calm, harmonious life. Our environments have both a psychological and physical effect on us. We want those effects to be positive, not negative.
So, I invite you to explore your space and see if you have any of your own micro stressors, and challenge you to go ahead and take care of at least one as soon as you can. You can let me know how you feel or if you can even relate to this. We can’t necessarily eliminate every single micro stressor, but bringing an awareness and chipping away at the list can alleviate much unnecessary stress in our lives.
If you are interested in a Feng Shui consultation, in-person or virtual, or have any questions, please reach out to me.
Wishing you a calm, micro stress-free life!