Ways to Use the Color Orange in Feng Shui

Using the color orange in Feng Shui
Color is one of the many ways we can enhance the Feng Shui in our spaces. Different colors have different effects. Since I am writing this in the Fall season, I thought it would be a great time to talk about the color orange and some of its benefits.
According to color psychologists, orange generates joy, warmth, and happiness. I figured we could all use a bit of that with how crazy the world has been.
Combining yellow’s cheerfulness with red’s stimulating qualities, orange can be very uplifting and rejuvenating. If we add some pops of orange throughout our spaces, and our lives, it can be really beneficial for us. It is said to inspire a positive outlook on life and help us recover from grief, despair, and disappointment, which so many people have experienced so much of in these past few years.
According to the Empowered by Color website, “Orange brings spontaneity and a positive outlook on life and is a great color to use during tough economic times, keeping us motivated and helping us to look on the bright side of life.” Yes, please!
In addition to the color psychology of orange, Feng Shui loves the color orange as well. There are a few different ways that we can use it; the color, the actual fruit itself, its peel and its scent.
Personally, I had never been much of an orange color fan myself, but I have to say it has grown on me these past few years, and maybe that is because I have learned about many of its benefits.
In Feng Shui, orange is considered a very auspicious color because of its combination of red and yellow. Orange infuses the symbolism of the happiness of red and the power of yellow. Fun fact, in ancient China yellow was the color of Royalty and red was used often to signify happiness, luck, and protection. Think about all of those Chinese New Year festivals and parades, red is always incorporated. I have also learned that orange has had its place throughout Chinese History and has been used in festival, rituals, and celebrations too.
In Chinese Culture, giving gifts of oranges represent abundance and good luck.
Here are a few easy ways that you can use a variation of orange to add some positive chi to your space and life:
It is considered very good chi (energy) to display a bowl or create a centerpiece with 9 oranges. In Feng Shui, this symbolizes prosperity, abundance, and good fortune. Great places for this would be your dining room, kitchen, or center of your home. The orange is considered a very yang fruit, so we love to use its positive energy to attract even more positive energy. We also love using the number 9 in Feng Shui in our enhancements as it is considered the most auspicious number.
You can use a bowl of oranges as a centerpiece then feel free to eat the oranges throughout the week, making sure to eat them before they go bad. Replace the oranges if you like, or just replace the bowl with something else later.

You can put Orange Essential Oil in a spray bottle (glass bottles are preferred). If you want to make it more intentional, incorporate the number 9. Depending on the size of your bottle would determine how many drops. If using one of the little 2 oz. bottles, use 9 drops. If using a larger bottle, multiply accordingly, using 18 or 27 drops. Essential Oils are concentrated so most likely you are not going to want to use more than 27 drops. It is best to use distilled water or filtered water. I do not recommend using tap water. If you are not going to use all of the spray right away, you can add a tablespoon of Witch Hazel or grain alcohol to help preserve the mixture. Use this spray whenever you want to energize your space.
If you have an Essential Oil Diffuser, use orange oil in that. Again, it will energize and uplift the energy. And during the Fall season, add a bit of cinnamon or clove oil to make it more seasonal.
A fun little trick is to use a few drops of your Orange Essential Oil at the bottom of your trash cans to keep them smelling better.
Another fun trick, if you don’t have a diffuser is to put a few drops on a cotton ball or cotton round and place it somewhere close to you so you can enjoy the aroma. Make sure to have something under the cotton so that the oil doesn’t sink through and harm any surface. Even a bit of foil underneath can do the trick. Also, be mindful if you have pets or little kids to keep it out of reach.
Here’s an interesting tip that I recently heard about. Carry 9 orange peels in your pocket while traveling. This is an ancient folk remedy used to ward off germs and viruses. Apparently, it was given to practitioners of Feng Shui as a “cure” of protection. You can use the peels to clean and sanitize your hands during your travels. Just put the peels in your hands and rub the citrus through your fingers when needed. You can use them for a few days or use a new orange each day to protect you from unwanted germs. The person who shared this said to make sure you practice gratitude when finished for the oranges protecting you. If you try it, let me know you like it.
Bring in some orange flowers. Add some accents like pillows, a throw or a rug, a vase, or art with orange in it. Paint an accent wall if that is an option. There are so many delightful ways to bring it in. And just a little can really add some great energy.

Feel free to let me know if you try any of these ideas and they uplift you. Feng Shui is a continuous process. If can be really fun to keep making changes and notice how the changes are affecting you. I am constantly making tweaks in my space.
Wishing you some beautiful, joy-filled energy!!